QueryPath/CSS/QueryPathEventHandler.php 1

Element Line Description
\QueryPath\CSS\QueryPathEventHandler::searchForAttr() 330 All use cases seem to be covered by attribute().

QueryPath/DOMQuery.php 1

Element Line Description
\QueryPath\DOMQuery::size() 348 QueryPath now implements Countable, so use count().
\QueryPath\DOMQuery::eachLambda() 1232 Since PHP 5.3 supports anonymous functions -- REAL Lambdas -- this method is not necessary and should be avoided.
\QueryPath\DOMQuery::replaceAll() 1920 Due to the fact that this is not a particularly friendly method, and that it can be easily replicated using {@see replaceWith()}, it is to be considered deprecated.
\QueryPath\DOMQuery::end() 1995 This function will be removed.
\QueryPath\DOMQuery::val() 2662 Just use attr(). There's no reason to use this on the server.
\QueryPath\DOMQuery::emptyElement() 3432 The removeChildren() function is the preferred method.